Summer Classes
A number of classes to choose from, ranging from full academic courses, to social justice, to passion programs.
Full Academic Courses
Essential High School Skills
Everything a High Schooler Needs to Know about Personal Finance and Money Management
Students will learn everything they need to know about managing their finances, a skill that is necessary for the working world. This is a project based course where you will perform activities like completing a tax return, opening a ROTH IRA account, and completing stock market games.
Master Speed Reading in 2 Weeks
Reading is a very important part of school and work, and if you don’t know how to read efficiently you will quickly fall behind others. This course offers useful information that helps you both read fast and retain the information from your reading.
Public Speaking: A 2-Week Project-Based Bootcamp
Public speaking is the nightmare of many students as well as adults, and learning how to master the art of public speaking can put you far ahead in interviews and projects. This course will offer you information on how to write and perform your own speeches on any topic.
Modern Chinese Literature
In this class, students will explore modern Chinese literature in context of the social, economic, and political evolution of China in the 20th century. They will examine Chinese culture across the Late Qing Dynasty, Republic Era, Socialist Revolution, post-Mao era, and market economy era, while developing a familiarity with prominent Chinese writers, including Chen Duxiu and Lu Xun.
Writing a Winning Personal Statement
Many students struggle with writing personal statements for both classes and applications for college and jobs. This class will teach you all there is to know about writing the best possible personal statement.
Number Patterns
Playing with number patterns is not only fun, it's a common starting point for developing proofs. In this course, you will see interesting math from outside of the core high school curriculum, and learn about interesting number sequences, some of which you may already know! Have fun with interesting puzzles, and also earn a few mental math tricks while finding connections between seemingly unrelated patterns. By the end of this course, you will have built some interesting patterns from the ground up and discovered patterns of your own!
A Brief Introduction to Proofs
Creating a proof is one of the most exciting and gratifying things in math, but proofs are rarely talked about until well into the college mathematics curriculum. In this course, you will see interesting math from outside of the core high school curriculum, and learn about infinite sets. In general, you will also get a feel for what a proof is, and how informal the development of a proof can be. all will having fun with interesting puzzles and getting a glimpse of the weird beauty that drives people to pursue math. By the end of the course, you will have some experience developing proofs and have proven some classic math facts!
Music Bootcamp: Music Theory (scales, rhythms, intervals, chords)
Students will learn about notes, chords, and rhythms, as well as advanced skills like syncopation, scale types, and musical patterns. During the course you will have the opportunity to create your very own original music composition.
Beats Bootcamp: Percussion rhythms & instruments
Students will learn about rhythms and syncopation with percussion instruments, as well as reading and performing music of their choosing. During the course you will have the opportunity to create your very own original music composition.
Neuroscience of Music (evolution of music, auditory processing, dissonance)
Students will learn about the history of music, the musical abilities of babies and animals, as well as delving into advanced musical concepts like pitch, frequency, dissonance, and consonance. At the end of the course you will run musical neuroscience experiments about how music effects the brain, testing yourself and/or friends/family.
Expose on Classics
Students will learn the basics of classical music.
History/Current Events
Principles of Epidemiology: Become a COVID-19 Researcher
Since the pandemic, our reality has been increasingly shaped by numbers—6 feet, 14 days, 25 million cases, 500 thousand deaths, 300 million vaccines. These numbers are constantly transformed into maps, graphs, and reports that inform policies like school shut-downs and dining restrictions. In this course, students will learn the basics of epidemiology research in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in their local communities. Students will learn important skills in R coding, the most common programming language among biostatisticians and related fields. Coding tutorials will include: data exploration, manipulation, regression/ANOVA analysis, and visualization. In addition, students will partake in actionable, hands-on projects where they learn by doing. By the end of the class, students will be able to produce high-quality maps and graphs for their state or county that could appear on any health website.
Social Justice: An Overview of the US Healthcare System
Students will learn about the history of health insurance in the US and the differences between the US and other countries. It will also be covering COVID-19 epidemiology, and effects on health care delivery.
Architectural Failures across America
Students will learn about the history of American Architecture, and its successes and failures.
Monuments & Public Discontent
Students will learn about Monuments & Public Discontent.
Old Wives Tales of Ancient Rome
Students will learn about Old Wives Tales of Ancient Rome.
Hacking Your Garden: Arduino and Robotics Meets Gardening
Arduino and Robotics Meet Gardening.
Hacking Your Sport: Arduino and Robotics Meets Basketball, Soccer, and Football
Arduino and Robotics Meets Basketball, Soccer, and Football.
Paper Basketball: Game Building with Arduino
Game Building with Arduino.
So you want to build a business? A history of franchising in America
Students will learn about the origin stories of successful businesses, what made them efficient, and what to improve for your one business. Students will also go over current business events and discuss how they might effect their associated companies.
The Rise of Tik Tok: Analyzing the Business of Social Media
The rise of Tik Tok and other social media platforms.
Subliminal Advertising: How Your Facebook and TikTok Feed is Affecting You
How Your Facebook and TikTok Feed is Affecting You.
Food Science
Kitchen & Baking Chemistry & Science Experiments
Students will learn perform experiments such as dye extraction using food dye, DNA extraction from strawberries, and pH and color changes using red cabbage. During the course students will showcase their lab results with a slideshow, further investigate of lab techniques using other materials.
Chemistry of Baking
Students will perform experiments such as using c02 bubbles to bake bread and staining clothes with pomegranate and azure dye.
Making Famous Artworks into Food
Making Famous Artworks into Food.
Baking Sourdough Bread
If you've ever wanted to learn how to bake sourdough bread, now's the perfect time! In this course, you will learn how to make and maintain a sourdough starter, while exploring some of the science behind fermentation and bread baking. Overcome the forbidding messiness of working with dough, learn bakers' percentages, and find out how different ingredients and ratios between ingredients affect the resulting bread! By the end of the course, you will have made your own sourdough starter from scratch, and used your starter to make delicious sourdough bread at home.
Space Economics
Students in this course will separate into different economic sectors and discuss asteroid mining and fuel mining on planets.
Clothing Technology: Integrating Technology into Clothes
Integrating Technology into Clothes.
Why Planes Crash: Intro to Crash Dynamics
Why Planes Crash.
In this course, students will explore topics in classical genetics, molecular genetics, and genomics and understand how modern research in genetics is conducted. Through out explorations, they will understand fundamental benchwork techniques such as PCR and western blotting, in addition to computational tools such as IGB and MEME/Tomtom analysis that they will use to predict a model of regulation for a gene of unknown function. By the end of the course, students will have developed knowledge and research skills that are fundamental to all fields of biology!
Electricity: Project-Based Explorations
Students in this course will perform experiments using batteries, coins, magnets, and other readily available household items.
Micro Bio-Machines
Students will learn about ATP Synthase compared to water-powered electric generators.
True Crime: A Dive into Forensic Science
A Dive into Forensic Science.
Solutions for Test Anxiety: A 20 Technique Primer
Over the course of this bootcamp, students will be taught 20 research-driven techniques to minimize and overcome testing anxiety. Students will be challenged to practice these methods in simulated testing conditions, each day of the bootcamp. By the end of the bootcamp, students will have a keen sense of which of the 20 instructed methods are most useful for them, having practiced them in simulated stressful conditions. The course is taught by an experienced psychology researcher, with extensive experience working with students in the test anxiety realm.
Sports Psychology
Students in this course will learn about how sports and psychology are connected.