ACT Test Prep
ACT: Reading / Writing / Essay
This course will cover 20 fundamental grammar concepts frequently tested on the SAT, in addition to the most useful critical reading strategies. With 20 hours of face-to-face instruction, students will leave the class having deeply understood the most frequently tested reading/writing concepts.
Additionally, students are held accountable to cumulatively completing 200+ graded critical reading questions and 200+ graded writing questions . 1-on-1 tutoring is available along with classes. Classes have a maximum of 3 students , so students can comfortably ask questions regarding concepts they don’t understand.
● Instruction of the 18 most important critical reading strategies ● Instruction of the 15 most important grammar strategies ● 40 real, full-length Collegeboard SATs
● Students held accountable to completing 200+ graded, practice critical reading questions
● Students held accountable to completing 200+ graded, practice writing questions
● 12 hours of essay practice
Both remote and in-person tutoring options are available.
ACT: Math/Science
This course will cover the 20 different mathematics concepts in a systematic way, such that students deeply understand the concepts and rigorously practice each concept. Students are held accountable to cumulatively completing 300+ math questions and 100+ science questions. In addition, students will learn 20+ top math section strategies and 10 key science strategies. 1-on-1 tutoring is available along with classes. Classes have a maximum of 3 students, so students can comfortably ask questions regarding concepts they don’t understand.
● 1-on-1 tutoring is available along with classes
● 20 hours of instruction
● Instruction of the 20+ top math section strategies
● 40+ full-length practice SATs
● Students held accountable to completing 300+ graded, practice math section questions
Both remote and in-person tutoring options are available.
Perfect Score Series
This ACT test prep curriculum is specifically designed to help students scoring 30 or above achieve a perfect 36 score in either the reading/writing or math/science sections.
Perfect Score: Reading / Writing / Essay
This course will cover 20 fundamental grammar concepts frequently tested on the SAT, in addition to the most useful critical reading strategies. With 20 hours of face-to-face instruction, students will leave the class having deeply understood the most frequently tested reading/writing concepts.
Additionally, students are held accountable to cumulatively completing 200+ graded critical reading questions and 200+ graded writing questions . 1-on-1 tutoring is available along with classes. Classes have a maximum of 3 students , so students can comfortably ask questions regarding concepts they don’t understand.
● Instruction of the 18 most important critical reading strategies ● Instruction of the 15 most important grammar strategies ● 40 real, full-length Collegeboard SATs
● Students held accountable to completing 200+ graded, practice critical reading questions
● Students held accountable to completing 200+ graded, practice writing questions
● 12 hours of essay practice
Both remote and in-person tutoring options are available.
Perfect Score: Math/Science
This course will cover the 20 different mathematics concepts in a systematic way, such that students deeply understand the concepts and rigorously practice each concept. Students are held accountable to cumulatively completing 300+ math questions and 100+ science questions. In addition, students will learn 20+ top math section strategies and 10 key science strategies. 1-on-1 tutoring is available along with classes. Classes have a maximum of 3 students, so students can comfortably ask questions regarding concepts they don’t understand.
● Instruction of the 20+ top math section strategies
● 40+ full-length practice SATs
● Students held accountable to completing 300+ graded, practice math section questions
Both remote and in-person tutoring options are available.